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Last updated February 11, 2023

Camp NaNoWriMo 2022 - Writer - Facebook BannerSo it begins, my first National November Writer’s Month Camp! But it’s hardly November you might wonder and NaNoWriMo definitely hosts this three times a year: April, July and November. The camp offers plenty of exciting tools in NaNo Prep 101 .

My Game Plan

I am going to follow Story Genius by Lisa Cron to create my short story in my fantasy world I created for my table top roleplaying game with polished 4000 word goal for the story itself with 3 1500 words flash backs for my protagonist’s backstory to flesh out the character. This means I have total of 8500 words total to work with.


2022-04-02 - Added draft and protagonist design, stretching my writing goal to be 20,000. The goal is to write and recording my progress.


Project Description Word Goal Total
Protagonist Design brainstorm and outline protagonist 1,000
Scene 1 something will happen 2,000
Draft 2,000
Scene 2 2,000
Draft 2,000
Background 1 Character background 1 1,500
Draft 1,500
Background 2 Character background 2 1,500
Draft 1,500
Background 3 Character background 3 1,500
Draft 1,500


Note that not all word counts goes towards my final goal as they can be drafts,

Day Activity Words Total, Day Total, Overall
1 Brainstorm 217
1 nanowrimo 20220401prompt1 191
1 nanowrimo 20220401prompt2 271
1 nanowrimo20220401prompt3 405 867
2 20220401prompt3cont 656 656
2 nanowrimo/202204/Milestone Scene 1 - draft 1 250 906
3 nanowrimo/202204/the merchant training - draft 1 2143
4 nanowrimo/202204/day 4 protagonist misbelief ideation 1064 4880
5 nanowrimo/202204/Milestone Scene 2 - draft 1 1665
6 nanowrimo/202204/Scene 1 outline
7 nanowrimo/202204/Protagonist design - Ben Wiles
9 nanowrimo/202204/day 4 protagonist misbelief ideation
10 nanowrimo/202204/Scene 1 first draft
11 nanowrimo/202204/Scene 1 first draft part 2
30 nanowrimo/202204/Scene 1 Third Draft 3844

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