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Scene 1 first draft part 2

Last updated February 11, 2023

Goal: Ben joins Domalin’s group

I sat in front of the dwarf and felt like I’m about to enter a duel . In fact that’s how I exactly saw it. There’s a talk of war up north and I knew nothing of. They were talking about fleeing the raid before this dwarf arrived and I need to learn more about what’s going on up there there. Figure out how to get out of it.

“Pleasure to meet you mister Ben and based on your looks you’re not a bee keeper. Not enough sun’s glaze on your face.” Domalin grinned and looked over the kitchen and the fireplace where other halflings are; their face tanned in healthy copper tone compared to my paler complexion.

“You’re not an arkwright from the looks of it.” I joined the table laid my sight on the ornate chest on the table.

“Everyone’s a critic, but this one will fetch a good fortune once we deliver it.” the Dwarf chuckled and tapped the lid.

“Show me the coins and there’ll be one less.” Thimble cut in to reach for the box but gets slap on on the wrist before she laid her finger on the box. For a moment there I felt his hand moved heavy as if like a stone.

“Not this one, I just have it woven.” Domalin wagged his finger with a familiar grin I recognize when I was an apprentice merchant under my father.

It was the first and the last time I was his apprentice. the deal he had with a crafty dwarf merchant turned out to be a swindle and my family paid a hefty price for it. That dwarf too, had a similar smile.

I was immediately taken back by the smile and withdrew myself from the table. The crafty dwarf leaned forward to match my movement and placed the box closer to me, calculating.

The box was a piece of work. it was carved out of a oak heartwood, the dark rich contrast to the light wooden table made it easy. It was also inlaid with copper, perhaps brass, inlaid between the lid and the container snaking its path. Dwarven runes perhaps, no it was lot more elegance to it like it wanted to copy some of the elven finesse by copying the rounded motifs. The most puzzling piece was the yellow wax seal in a form of intricate swirling lines like a circular maze.

“If I can deliver this in about a week before the crowning day, they’ll be coins for you and I,” the dwarf answered to Thimbles, his lips shrouded by his rustic beard but his beady eyes were full of glee.

The box was an enigma and this dwarf, the elf and elf looking human piqued the most interest. What sort of agreement have brought such people in a single group. Greed? The wood elves are twisted and preys on humans for slavery and delights on tormenting them. But she painted a different picture. She was carelessly wolfing down the baked potatoes with goat cheese with shower of compliments on its taste. The stoic elf’s gaze fell upon me and gave me a shiver, he gave of an aura of a wolf stalking its prey. Waiting for me to give him a reason to go for my throat.

“What brings you to this humble settlement, I don’t believe you came here to get friendly with the locals.” the dwarf traced my stare to girl asking for more food at the kitchen.

“Business of course.”

“Of course, of course, it’s rare to see someone like yourself to be out here in such times other than business. What sort I wonder,”

‘Such times, is he talking about the war or the crowning day thing?’ I wondered.

“A simple hawker, trading some tools for grains, What about you mister Domalin?” I deflected.

“A simple tradesman looking for an extra ordinary finds,” the dwarf leaned back, tucking the box in his chest. He narrowed his eyes as if to scorn me for being what I am.

“And is the box an extra ordinary find that will fetch hefty coins mister Domalin?”

“Aye, but I might have found something far extra ordinary while I was about with the locals,” His eyes softened.

“You see Berryglen is full of hearty people,”

“Naive people.” Thimble cut in but Domalin ignored her.

“Hearty people who has very little desire for outsiders and prefers trade of services. So it garners my interest when I heard the old Bauble made a trade.”

Crafty dwarf, he knew about me before he stepped into this place. It was true I traded with a halfling named Bauble.

“Old Bauble trades his wax and honey to the Great Caravan once a season, but they didn’t pass by last season so he had extra that was sitting in his barn. I offered to trade them abroad on his behalf but he insisted he would save it for this year’s pass. But to my surprise when I visited him to offer my services once more he told me he got lucky and traded them for some tools and exotic coins.” the dwarf strummed the table with his fingers and sounded like knocking, heavy. Then I noticed a coin underneath, smooth edged gold coin with three sailed ship with a swallow flying above. Port Distance’s gold coin, the one I traded with Bauble for his wax and honey.

“Was the old Bauble happy with his trade?” I asked, pretending to be interested in his story but I was more terrified that I know nothing of this dwarf and I have to find out how I can travel out of this area safely.

“He was! He never seen such coin before and he wouldn’t depart with my usual coins, saying these coins are special according to the tall folk who traded them with.” The table’s eyes came to me.

Those coins are regular coins but at the same time they are unique. Each minted coin are inspected and receives an etching of approval when it passes. the etching includes the inspector’s initials, the year and number to indicate how many did the inspector inspected in that year. Port distance used that to track of their coin circulation. I might have exaggerated on the unique part but I certainly sold the story to the Bauble about the value of the coin more than its actual worth. After all, it’s all about perceived value.

But I’m not going to tell him about the story, I’m more curious about how he got the coin from him. What did this dwarf trade for that coin in his hand?

“So what did you trade him for that exotic coin?” I pressed, looking around the table to see if anyone else was interested in the story. Thimble was yawning and Higs was checking his pockets. the elf finally shut his eyes and the girl came back with more food and offered some to the elf before taking one for herself.

“I didn’t.” I stared at him with confusion and almost spoke out ‘what about that coin in your hand?’

“Of course you’re wondering about the coin in my hand?” Dae’s blood, did he notice or did my facial expression gave it away? he slowly moved his hand to reveal the coin was a square and made out of brass with an anvil with a crown.

A trickster. A swindler. A typical dwarf.

“Mister Ben, I hope you were entertained and let me get straight to the point. Would you be interested in coming to Kupferkrone with us?”

“I love the offer but I have to return to the port as soon as possible.”

“Yes but there’s war up north and who knows it might come down here,” the trickster said flatly and Thimble snorted.

“I prefer traveling alone mister dwarf.”

“Oh let introduce by guards,” the dwarf bowed slightly and gestured around the table.

“Thimble, former ranger now sell sword. She’s the best ranger I’ve met in these woods and thorny tongue.”

“Higs, Timble’s younger brother, got a good knack for slings and never misses if it’s within twenty paces.”

“Ishyldr and Geese, Ironwood rangers with pinpoint accuracy with their bows.”

Higs awkwardly nodded and Geese blushed upon the compliment, Thimble and Ishyldr kept their silence.

“Seems like you have surrounded yourself with guards for such a small object.” I retorted. It would be nice to have some protection against the war but this entire thing could be a set up. Until they came in there was no news about the war. They might be setting up to rob me once we’re on the road. He knows too much about me and my goods.

“Aye, it’s a precious goods and we just met the Ironwoods rangers at the port. They have some sharp eyes and sharper arrows.” the dwarf answered. Geese bounced her head in agreement.

“it’s almost charitable for you to offer and I do not believe I have anything of value to trade for bodyguards.”

I do have coins but I fear they might be after everything I have at the guise of ‘protection’. the dwarf groaned and rubbed his nose bridge.

“It’s not a charity, it’s a trade, I believe you have a horse and a cart. Your cart for our protection.”

“Don’t bundle us with you. If we are protecting another person, then we ask for his fair payment,” the girl tumbled her words with mouth full of mashed potatoes.

“Of course of course, this benefits you too, we travel faster and you finish your work faster and get paid faster.” the dwarf pitched.

“…time is coin…” I mumbled my father’s favorite line after such remark and the dwarf clapped.

“Well said! Time is coin!” Domalin echoed my words, Geese blinked at the elf and he nodded.

I drew a long sigh as if my soul was escaping. I started to dislike this dwarf even more. He resembled my father who always cornered me till I was out of options. I felt like he came in here with the precise goal of recruiting me into his band of travelers just to get Marney.

‘Maybe I’m over thinking. if they are band of liars, thieves and killers, they already have taken Marney and the cart. Thimble looked like a local who has some reputation in this place with his brother. The dwarf too. I’m not sure about the elf and the girl but she’s too cheerful and clumsy to be a killer. This could all be an act they might be like the Great Caravan’s Actor’s Troop who entertains the town folks they visit with improvised shows to lure people to their shows for coins.’

My eyes naturally wonder off to the elf and the girl. Even though I say girl she’s only few inches shorter than I am but the bright attitude towards the elf and the food gave an aura of a girl than a woman. I shook my head. I came here to establish myself on my own, mingling with elves and dwarves should be part of the package.

“Time is coin.” I affirmed with the dwarf and reached my hand forward for a shake. Domalin nodded and shook mine firmly twice.

“Speaking of time, we should retire for the night. It’s been a while since we slept under a roof and with your cart we should depart before sunrise.”

With that, Domalin stood up from the table, leaving some of his bronze coins on the table. I peered over the pile and among the squares there was one coin was a circular with three sailed ship with a swallow above it.

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