a rakish necromancer
I don’t know about the name but if that is the prompt then….. replace necromancer with a name of your choosing.. the necromancer never intended to be such a foul creature of the realm, no, never had in their life once thought about playing with putrid vile things. But alas, they had to and they must. their beauty was unmatched in the demesne and kings and nobles across the realm to try to claim them for their beauty. The necromancer refused for they were too ugly and staying close to such warts would tarnish their perfect skin. Years passed and the invitation letter still came ceaselessly, however a tiny sliver down between the brows of the necromancer utterly destroyed their one perfect morning. a feint vertical crease from frowning down at the ugly people too much was a sign of warning from the god of time, the necromancer’s time on this land is finite and one day they will wilt and fade into obscurity. The terror seeded in their mind and began to take root. The necromancer stopped accepting people in their homes and became secluded until a knock on the door by a traveling merchant proposing to sell a book that holds all the answers to questions of the world. The necromancer was skeptical but the fear was far too great to contain, the threat of time and wrinkle must be stopped. the necromancer asked the price for the book and the traveling merchant asked for pure love.
such tragic must be undone, the world cannot see wrinkled necromancer no they will not allow such to happen. The necromancer scoured the demesne deep and wide to find a clue for reversing the wrinkle on their forehead until they came across a book
comedic narcissistic necromancer