Daily Prompt - 20220401
Sprinting duration: 5 min
try to write with the following words.
- jester
- glitch
- prank
- fanciful
Just write!
There’s a fanciful way of pulling a prank these days compared to what we did in the past since this is the age of communication and there are so many things we could do with it compared to a court jester would make fun of themselves in front of the king in the king’s court. There are numerous times when I was setting up simple recorded messages on my voicemail greeting where I pretended to pick up the phone, greet and listen to what the person was saying only to abruptly let them know that this is actually a recorded message. I had so many voice recordings where it picked up people in the mid sentence or worse when they realized that they’ve been talking to themselves for a good 20 seconds. I did however stopped doing that as I got older and the phone calls started to get more serious and the social norm is to not to prank on people who are doing business with you, which definitely undermines your credibility to be the serious person in general. but perhaps I am not the serious type.