All Nanowrimoes
Prompt #3: What is your main character’s most embarrassing memory? Has it affected the things they do or the ways they interact with other characters now?
Ollie and Ben are never in good terms as long as he can remember. his brother was always sick and their father was always concerned for him more than anything....
the merchant training - draft 1
“Just be silent and watch how the transaction is being done between tradesman, you understand?” my father ordered and I nodded and couldn’t withold my giddiness....
Story Overview
Ben finally struck some luck with some trades in a remote hamlet and planning to head back to his home town, however he hears a news a war has broken out and now he cannot go back the way he came from....
Protagonist design - Ben Wiles
Physical description The protagonist of my [[nanowrimo/202204/Introduction|2022 April NaNoWriMo]] short story. He’s a human male with height 5'7" with short dark brown hair with hazel eye with lightly tanned skin with weight of 154 lb with not so appealing square body shape....
NaNoWriMo - 10 min prompt
Prompt #2: Write a scene where one character lies to another. Why do they do it? Does the other character know they’re lying?...
Milestone Scene 2 - draft 1
I liked rainy days, it always gave me the time to stay indoors and read about the history and the world rather than outside and doing some chores....